Fishing Mammoth Lakes
The Mammoth Lakes is stocked with rainbow trout and Alpers trout. They are also home to brown trout.
Lake George A third of a mile in diameter, Lake George is easily fished from shore. Good
spots include around the marina, down by the inlets from TJ Lake and Crystal Lake, and along the western shore.
Lake Mary The largest of the lakes, Lake Mary can be fished successfully from shore, but
bushes make some parts difficult to access. Float tubes are popular here. Especially good spots are along the
east shore near the inlet from Lake George and all along the northern end.
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Twin Lakes Actually three lakes, Twin Lakes are often fished from boats or float tubes.
Anglers report good success at the upper lake near the waterfall and along the western shores of the lower two lakes.
Lake Mamie Some good-sized fish have come from Lake Mamie. Rocks and logs along the
eastern shore provide good cover for fish. Another favorite spot with locals is the deep hole by the parking lot.
Horseshoe Lake Skip Horseshoe Lake. It is not stocked and fishing is poor.

Which Baits and Lures Are Catching Fish at Mammoth Lakes?
Trout: Super Dupers, Thomas Bouyants, Mepps, Berkley PowerBait, Panther Martins, Nightcrawlers
Flies: Olive or Black Wooly Buggers, California Mosquito
Fishing the Outlying Lakes around Mammoth
For more fishing destinations, consider short day hikes to nearby lakes such as TJ Lake, Crystal Lake, Emerald Lake, or Sherwin Lakes. For trip descriptions, see Dave's Sierra Fishing

Lake George and Lake Mary